Fantasy (first steps)

This shows how to use Pandas to manipulate roster data.

$\rightarrow$ Use [Control] + [Enter] to evaluate a cell. (Check the 'Help' menu above for more.)

In [1]:
# Setup -- import the modules we want and set up inline plotting
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Bigger fonts and figures for the demo
        'font.size': 14,
        'figure.figsize':(10.0, 8.0),
        'axes.formatter.useoffset':False })

# Better data frame display for the demo
pd.set_option('expand_frame_repr', True)
pd.set_option('max_rows', 18)
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 14)

First we need to load the data

It's the total 2014 stats for people who started in NFL games last year. Thanks to We're missing the count of safeties but hopefully they're so infrequent they don't affect rankings.

In [2]:
# Player data and the season schedule (for byes)
import os

player_stats_file = os.path.join('data', 'nfl_player_stats_season2014.csv')
season2015_file = os.path.join('data', 'nfl_season2015.csv')
prior_seasons_file = os.path.join('data', 'nfl_season2008to2014.csv')

stats = pd.read_csv(player_stats_file)
season2015 = pd.read_csv(season2015_file)
prior_seasons = pd.read_csv(prior_seasons_file)  # Don't delete this, we need it later


Index([u'Team', u'Player', u'pos', u'starts', u'fumblesLost', u'twoPt',
       u'passingATT', u'passingCOMP', u'passingINT', u'passingTD',
       u'passingYDS', u'receivingREC', u'receivingTD', u'receivingYDS',
       u'rushingATT', u'rushingTD', u'rushingYDS', u'kicking_extraPt',
       u'kicking_FGge50A', u'kicking_FGge50M', u'kicking_FGlt50A',
       u'kicking_FGlt50M', u'defenseF', u'defenseSCK', u'defenseTOT',
       u'defenseFumblesRecovered', u'fumblesRecoveredTD', u'pointreturnsFC',
       u'pointreturnsRETURNS', u'pointreturnsTD', u'interceptionsINT',
       u'interceptionsTD', u'interceptionsYDS', u'kickreturnsRETURNS',
       u'kickreturnsTD', u'kickreturnsYDS'],

Column definitions

  • Team - the full team name, exactly the same as in the other datasets
  • player - the player name, plus team totals (TOTAL) and opponent totals (OPPONENT TOTAL)
  • pos - abbreviation for positions, such as QB=quarterback, K=kicker
  • starts - number of starts in the 2014 season
  • fumblesLost - fumbles lost to the opposing team in 2014
  • fumblesRecoveredTD - fumbles recovered for a touchdown in 2014
  • twoPt - two point conversion
  • Passing
    • passingATT - attempted passes in 2014
    • passingCOMP - completed passes in 2014
    • passingINT - intercepted passes in 2014
    • passingTD - passing touchdowns in 2014
    • passingYDS - passing yards in 2014
  • Receiving
    • receivingREC - receptions in 2014
    • receivingTD - touchdowns made off of a reception in 2014
    • receivingYDS - receiving yards in 2014
  • Rushing
    • rushingATT - rushing attempts in 2014
    • rushingTD - rushing touchdowns in 2014
    • rushingYDS - rushing yards in 2014
  • Kicking
    • kicking_extraPt - extra points made in 2014
    • kicking_FGge50A - field golds $\ge$ 50 yards attempted
    • kicking_FGge50M - field golds $\ge$ 50 yards made
    • kicking_FGlt50A - field golds $\lt$ 50 yards attempted
    • kicking_FGlt50M - field golds $\lt$ yards made
  • Defense
    • defenseF - fumbles forced in 2014
    • defenseSCK - sacks in 2014
    • defenseTOTAL - tackles in 2014
    • defenseFumblesRecovered - fumbles recovered in 2014
    • pointreturnsFC - fair catches on point returns in 2014
    • pointreturnsRETURNS - returns made on point returns in 2014
    • pointreturnsTD - point returns for a touchdown in 2014
    • interceptionsINT - interceptions in 2014
    • interceptionsTD - interceptions for a touchdown in 2014
    • interceptionsYDS - yards gained on interceptions in 2014
    • kickreturnsRETURNS - kick returns in 2014
    • kickreturnsTD - kick returns returned for a touchdown in 2014
    • kickreturnsYDS - yards gained during kick returns in 2014

Aggregate the fumble recovery data for the defense

In Fantasy Football, you choose a defensive team, not individual players.

The dataset we have has rows in the column player as 'TOTAL' and 'OPPONENT TOTAL' for total defensive stats, except for safeties (which I couldn't get easily - but which also are so rare that they shoudn't affect rankings too badly) and fumbles recovered for a touchdown (fumblesRecoveredTD) which were from a separate dataset and not added in.

We need to aggregate fumblesRecoveredTD over the individual players to get a score for the defense.

In [3]:
byteam_fumbleRecoveries = stats.groupby('Team').fumblesRecoveredTD.agg({'totalFumblesRecoveredTD': 'sum'}).reset_index()

count 21.0
mean 1.2
std 0.5
min 1.0
25% 1.0
50% 1.0
75% 1.0
max 3.0

Add the fumble recoveries to the overall defensive team's stats

The overall stats are in rows for each team with the player name as TOTAL:

In [4]:
stats[stats.Player == 'TOTAL'][[
        'Player', 'Team',
        'interceptionsINT', 'interceptionsTD',
        'pointreturnsTD', 'kickreturnsTD', 'fumblesRecoveredTD',
        'defenseSCK', 'defenseF']]

Player Team interceptionsINT interceptionsTD pointreturnsTD kickreturnsTD fumblesRecoveredTD defenseSCK defenseF
18 TOTAL Houston Te... 3 1 0 0 NaN 9 1
78 TOTAL Green Bay ... 18 3 2 0 NaN 41 12
127 TOTAL Minnesota ... 13 2 0 0 NaN 41 9
184 TOTAL Cleveland ... 21 2 0 0 NaN 31 15
234 TOTAL Jacksonvil... 6 1 0 0 NaN 45 19
290 TOTAL New York Jets 6 0 0 0 NaN 45 9
349 TOTAL Arizona Ca... 18 3 1 0 NaN 35 9
433 TOTAL New York G... 17 0 0 0 NaN 47 15
464 TOTAL Baltimore ... 11 1 0 1 NaN 49 16
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1326 TOTAL Philadelph... 12 2 2 2 NaN 49 24
1372 TOTAL Denver Bro... 18 2 0 0 NaN 41 15
1427 TOTAL Carolina P... 14 2 1 0 NaN 40 22
1483 TOTAL Atlanta Fa... 16 1 1 0 NaN 22 13
1541 TOTAL Buffalo Bills 3 1 0 0 NaN 8 1
1626 TOTAL Dallas Cow... 18 2 NaN NaN NaN 28 28
1649 TOTAL San Diego ... 7 0 NaN NaN NaN 26 26
1707 TOTAL Seattle Se... 13 2 NaN NaN NaN 37 37
1756 TOTAL New Englan... 16 0 NaN NaN NaN 40 40

32 rows × 9 columns

Merge the byteam_fumbleRecoveries stats back into the original stats frame

  1. Add a false player name 'TOTAL' to the byteam_fumbleRecoveries data frame. We will merge on that name plus the team to select the correct row.
  2. Merge byteam_fumbleRecoveries back into the stats data frame, matching on the same team name (and with player as the TOTAL).
  3. Coalesce the aggregated column and the original column together
  4. Delete the column totalFumblesRecoveredTD (which we made for the aggregation).

In [5]:
# 1. Add the 'player' column with value 'TOTAL'
byteam_fumbleRecoveries['Player'] = 'TOTAL'

# 2. Merge (left join) to add the 'fumblesRecoveredTD' values to the 'stats' data frame.
stats = stats.merge(byteam_fumbleRecoveries, on=['Team', 'Player'], how='left')

# 3. Coalesce the two columns together into the original column
#    (when I am assigning to a subset of rows I have to use the '.ix' accessor.
#     The other one -- just [] -- will return a copy of the column and so
#     the assignment will take place on the copy, not the original.)
stats.ix[stats.fumblesRecoveredTD.isnull(), 'fumblesRecoveredTD'] = stats[

# 4. Delete the column totalFumblesRecoveredTD.
del stats['totalFumblesRecoveredTD']

# Show the result
stats[stats.Player=='TOTAL'][['Team'] + [c for c in stats.columns if c.endswith('TD')]]

Team passingTD receivingTD rushingTD fumblesRecoveredTD pointreturnsTD interceptionsTD kickreturnsTD
18 Houston Te... NaN NaN NaN 1 0 1 0
78 Green Bay ... NaN NaN NaN 1 2 3 0
127 Minnesota ... NaN NaN NaN 1 0 2 0
184 Cleveland ... NaN NaN NaN 1 0 2 0
234 Jacksonvil... NaN NaN NaN 2 0 1 0
290 New York Jets NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 0 0
349 Arizona Ca... NaN NaN NaN 1 1 3 0
433 New York G... NaN NaN NaN 1 0 0 0
464 Baltimore ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 1 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1326 Philadelph... NaN NaN NaN 2 2 2 2
1372 Denver Bro... NaN NaN NaN 1 0 2 0
1427 Carolina P... NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 2 0
1483 Atlanta Fa... NaN NaN NaN 1 1 1 0
1541 Buffalo Bills NaN NaN NaN 1 0 1 0
1626 Dallas Cow... NaN NaN NaN 1 NaN 2 NaN
1649 San Diego ... NaN NaN NaN 3 NaN 0 NaN
1707 Seattle Se... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2 NaN
1756 New Englan... NaN NaN NaN 2 NaN 0 NaN

32 rows × 8 columns

Select only the players we want

For standard fantasy, you get 9 players on your starting roster and 6 players on the bench. The defensive players are rolled into one (we just did that for the last relevant type of scoring play) and we don't care about the other positions.

The parenthesized abbreviations are the corresponding value in the pos column in this dataset:

  • Quarterback (QB):1
  • Running Back (RB):2
  • Wide Receiver (WR):2
  • Tight End (TE):1
  • Wide Receiver / Running Back:1
  • Kicker (K):1
  • Defensive Team:1
  • Bench:6

First, let's add a value 'DEFENSE' as the position when the player is named 'TOTAL'. Then we'll delete all of the players who aren't the kinds we can use.

In [6]:
# These are the positions

array([nan, 'CB', 'K', 'RB', 'LB', 'DT', 'C', 'WR', 'DE', 'T', 'QB', 'TE',
       'S', 'PK', 'FB', 'DB', 'P', 'G', 'NT'], dtype=object)

In [7]:
# 1. Add a value 'DEFENSE' as the position when the player is named 'TOTAL'
stats.ix[stats.Player == 'TOTAL', 'pos'] = 'DEFENSE'

# 2. Delete players that aren't the types used in Fantasy
stats = stats[stats.pos.isin(('QB', 'RB', 'WR', 'TE', 'K', 'DEFENSE'))]



(194, 36)
Team Player pos starts fumblesLost twoPt passingATT passingCOMP passingINT passingTD ... fumblesRecoveredTD pointreturnsFC pointreturnsRETURNS pointreturnsTD interceptionsINT interceptionsTD interceptionsYDS kickreturnsRETURNS kickreturnsTD kickreturnsYDS
18 Houston Te... TOTAL DEFENSE NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1 5 13 0 3 1 69 6 0 116
31 Houston Te... Randy Bullock K NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
68 Green Bay ... Eddie Lacy RB 18 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
78 Green Bay ... TOTAL DEFENSE NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1 12 29 2 18 3 396 29 0 555
89 Green Bay ... Randall Cobb WR 18 2 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 9 14 0 NaN NaN NaN 1 0 0
95 Green Bay ... Mason Crosby K NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

6 rows × 36 columns

Ranking the players


Fantasy scoring

The scoring shown in the table below uses the NFL fantasy standard rules. The fixed width denotes the corresponding column name in the dataset.

  • Passing
    • Yards: +1 / 25 yds
    • Touchdowns: +4
    • Interceptions: -2
  • Rushing
    • Yards: +1 / 10 yds
    • Touchdowns: +6
  • Receiving
    • Yards: +1 / 10 yds
    • Touchdowns: +6
  • Fumbles recovered
    for Touchdown: +6 `fumblesRecoveredTD`
  • 2-Point Conversions: +2
  • Fumbles Lost: -2
Point Attempts Made
  • +1 `kicking_extraPt`
Field Goals Made
  • 0-49 yds: +3
  • 50+ yds: +5
  • Sacks: +1
  • Interceptions: +2
  • Fumbles Recovered: +2
  • Safeties: +2
    **no data**
  • Defensive Touchdowns: +6
    `interceptionsTD` and the `fumblesRecoveredTD` attributed to defensive players
  • Kick / Punt Return Touchdowns: +6
    `kickreturnsTD` and `pointreturnsTD`
  • Points Allowed
    (get by aggregating the 2014 data from `nfl_season2008to2014.csv`)
    • (0): +10
    • (1-6): +7
    • (7-13): +4
    • (14-20): +1
    • (21-27): +0
    • (28-34): -1
    • (35+): -4

Calculate the fantasy points for 'Points Allowed'

We have the game-by-game data from the 2014 season in the dataset prior_seasons. Since all we have is aggregates everywhere else, there's no shame in just aggregating here too.

  1. $\rightarrow$ Assign each game from 2014 in the prior_seasons data frame its respective Fantasy points according to the chart for Points Allowed, and sum them. This will give us one row per team.
  2. Merge it into the main stats data frame the same way as we merged fumblesRecoveredTD
    1. Add the player column with value TOTAL
    2. Merge (left join) to add the 'fantasyPA' values to the 'stats' data frame.
    3. That's it.

In [8]:
# 0. Function that will be used in (1) to assign points to each game in a season
def fantasy_points(points_allowed):
    """Calculate the fantasy score for the season, given the points allowed.

    Points:     (0)  (1-6) (7-13) (14-20) (21-27) (28-34) (35+)
                +10    +7     +4      +1      +0      -1    -4
    points = 10 * (points_allowed == 0).sum()
    points += 7 * points_allowed.between(1,6).sum()
    points += 4 * points_allowed.between(7,13).sum()
    points += 1 * points_allowed.between(14,20).sum()
    points += 0 * points_allowed.between(21,27).sum()
    points += -1 * points_allowed.between(28,34).sum()
    points += -4 * (points_allowed >= 35).sum()
    return points

# 1. Assign each game from 2014 in the `prior_seasons` data frame its respective Fantasy points
defense_fantasy_points = prior_seasons[(prior_seasons.Season == 2014) & (prior_seasons.Week <= 17)
             ].groupby('Team').PointsAllowed.agg({'fantasyPA' :fantasy_points})

# reset the index (the groupby() made the 'Team' column into the index...get it out)

# 2 Merge it into the main 'stats' data frame
#   2a -- Add the 'player' column with value 'TOTAL'
defense_fantasy_points['Player'] = 'TOTAL'

#   2b -- Merge the 'defense_fantasy_points' into the 'stats' data frame.
#         This will add the column 'fantasyPA' to 'stats'
if 'fantasyPA' in stats.columns:
    del stats['fantasyPA']  # in case people run this cell more than once

stats = stats.merge(defense_fantasy_points, on=['Team', 'Player'], how='left')

stats[stats.fantasyPA.notnull()][['Team', 'fantasyPA']].head()

Team fantasyPA
0 Houston Te... 21
3 Green Bay ... 5
10 Minnesota ... 13
14 Cleveland ... 15
17 Jacksonvil... 2

Estimate the score:


  1. Fill all of the null entries with zero
  2. Add FantasyPtsTotal to the dataset, set to zero
  3. Go through each column separately and add the correct points from each one

In [9]:
# 1. Fill all of the null entries with zero
stats = stats.fillna(0)

# 2. Add `FantasyPtsTotal` to the dataset, set to zero
stats['FantasyPtsTotal'] = 0

# 3. Go through each column separately and add the correct points from each one

### --------------------------------------------- Passing ----- ###
##   passingYDS  -- Yards: +1 / 25 yds 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 1 * stats.passingYDS % 25

##   passingTD  -- Touchdowns: +4 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 4 * stats.passingTD
##   passingINT  -- Interceptions: -2
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] -= 2 * stats.passingINT

### --------------------------------------------- Rushing ----- ###
##   rushingYDS  -- Yards: +1 / 10 yds 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 1 * stats.rushingYDS % 10

##   rushingTD  -- Touchdowns: +6 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 6 * stats.rushingTD

### ------------------------------------------- Receiving ----- ###
##   receivingYDS  -- Yards: +1 / 10 yds  
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 1 * stats.receivingYDS % 10

##   receivingTD  -- Touchdowns: +6 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 6 * stats.receivingTD

### --------------------------------------------- General ----- ###
##   fumblesRecoveredTD  -- Fumbles recovered for Touchdown: +6
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 6 * stats.fumblesRecoveredTD

##   twoPt  -- 2-Point Conversions: +2 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 2 * stats.twoPt

##   fumblesLost  -- Fumbles Lost: -2 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] -= 2 * stats.fumblesLost

### --------------------------------------------- Kicking ----- ###
##   kicking_extraPt  -- Point Attempts Made: +1
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 1 * stats.kicking_extraPt

##   kicking_FGlt50M  -- Field Goals made at 0-49 yds: +3 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 3 * stats.kicking_FGlt50M

##   kicking_FGge50M  -- Field Goals made at 50+ yds: +5 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 3 * stats.kicking_FGge50M

### --------------------------------------------- Defense ----- ###
##   defenseSCK  -- Sacks: +1 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 1 * stats.defenseSCK

##   interceptionsINT  -- Interceptions: +2 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 2 * stats.interceptionsINT

##   defenseF  -- Fumbles Recovered: +2 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 2 * stats.defenseF

##   interceptionsTD -- Defensive Touchdowns: +6 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 6 * stats.interceptionsTD

##   fumblesRecoveredTD -- Defensive Touchdowns: +6 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 6 * stats.fumblesRecoveredTD

##   kickreturnsTD -- Defensive Touchdowns: +6 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 6 * stats.kickreturnsTD

##   pointreturnsTD -- Defensive Touchdowns: +6 
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += 6 * stats.pointreturnsTD

##  ............................ Defense - Points Allowed ..... ###
stats.ix[:, 'FantasyPtsTotal'] += stats.fantasyPA


Team Player pos starts fumblesLost twoPt passingATT passingCOMP passingINT passingTD ... pointreturnsRETURNS pointreturnsTD interceptionsINT interceptionsTD interceptionsYDS kickreturnsRETURNS kickreturnsTD kickreturnsYDS fantasyPA FantasyPtsTotal
0 Houston Te... TOTAL DEFENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 13 0 3 1 69 6 0 116 21 71
1 Houston Te... Randy Bullock K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55
2 Green Bay ... Eddie Lacy RB 18 2 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90

3 rows × 38 columns

In [10]:
## Take a look at what we made:
#    the top 10 people in each position.
for position, points in stats.sort(columns='FantasyPtsTotal', ascending=False)[
        ['Player', 'pos', 'Team', 'FantasyPtsTotal']].groupby('pos'):
    print(" ".join(('#', '-' * 50, position, '-' * 3)))
    for row in points.head(10).apply(
            lambda x: '{}\t{:<20}\t{}'.format(int(x.FantasyPtsTotal), x.Team, x.Player),

# -------------------------------------------------- DEFENSE ---
Points	Team			Player
282	Philadelphia Eagles 	TOTAL
231	Indianapolis Colts  	TOTAL
231	Arizona Cardinals   	TOTAL
230	Baltimore Ravens    	TOTAL
229	Green Bay Packers   	TOTAL
226	St. Louis Rams      	TOTAL
221	Carolina Panthers   	TOTAL
217	Cleveland Browns    	TOTAL
215	Detroit Lions       	TOTAL
214	Pittsburgh Steelers 	TOTAL
# -------------------------------------------------- K ---
Points	Team			Player
146	Indianapolis Colts  	Adam Vinatieri
137	Green Bay Packers   	Mason Crosby
136	Baltimore Ravens    	Justin Tucker
132	Pittsburgh Steelers 	Shaun Suisham
128	Miami Dolphins      	Caleb Sturgis
127	Atlanta Falcons     	Matt Bryant
126	Carolina Panthers   	Graham Gano
119	New York Jets       	Nick Folk
118	Cincinnati Bengals  	Mike Nugent
116	New York Giants     	Josh Brown
# -------------------------------------------------- QB ---
Points	Team			Player
165	Green Bay Packers   	Aaron Rodgers
148	Indianapolis Colts  	Andrew Luck
132	Denver Broncos      	Peyton Manning
124	New England Patriots	Tom Brady
120	Seattle Seahawks    	Russell Wilson
118	Dallas Cowboys      	Tony Romo
115	Pittsburgh Steelers 	Ben Roethlisberger
113	Miami Dolphins      	Ryan Tannehill
109	New Orleans Saints  	Drew Brees
108	Cincinnati Bengals  	Andy Dalton
# -------------------------------------------------- RB ---
Points	Team			Player
111	Seattle Seahawks    	Marshawn Lynch
90	Green Bay Packers   	Eddie Lacy
82	Kansas City Chiefs  	Jamaal Charles
77	Dallas Cowboys      	DeMarco Murray
76	Chicago Bears       	Matt Forte
66	Minnesota Vikings   	Matt Asiata
62	Miami Dolphins      	Lamar Miller
59	Cincinnati Bengals  	Jeremy Hill
59	Baltimore Ravens    	Justin Forsett
58	Cleveland Browns    	Isaiah Crowell
# -------------------------------------------------- TE ---
Points	Team			Player
67	New Orleans Saints  	Jimmy Graham
46	Chicago Bears       	Martellus Bennett
44	Carolina Panthers   	Greg Olsen
33	Dallas Cowboys      	Jason Witten
31	New York Giants     	Larry Donnell
26	Kansas City Chiefs  	Travis Kelce
22	Seattle Seahawks    	Luke Willson
18	Philadelphia Eagles 	Zach Ertz
17	Pittsburgh Steelers 	Heath Miller
16	Minnesota Vikings   	Rhett Ellison
# -------------------------------------------------- WR ---
Points	Team			Player
117	Pittsburgh Steelers 	Antonio Brown
96	Dallas Cowboys      	Dez Bryant
87	Green Bay Packers   	Jordy Nelson
84	Green Bay Packers   	Randall Cobb
77	Denver Broncos      	Demaryius Thomas
73	Baltimore Ravens    	Torrey Smith
66	Miami Dolphins      	Mike Wallace
64	Denver Broncos      	Emmanuel Sanders
62	Carolina Panthers   	Kelvin Benjamin
52	San Diego Chargers  	Eddie Royal

Clean up, convert to 2015

The stats are for the previous season. Use the roster data ('data/nfl_rosters2015.csv') we have to map the player to the correct team, and add the bye week.

  • Rename the player 'TOTAL' to the player 'Defense' because that's what it is.
  • Read in 'data/nfl_rosters2015.csv' and merge it with stats to correctly map players to their 2015 team.

After we merge, we will have pairs of columns that need to be reconciled:

  • 'Team' and 'Team2014' -- the player 'Defense' doesn't actually exist so after the merge the 'Team' will be null for 'Defense'...make sure the 'Team' column is populated with the 2014 value
  • 'Pos' (for 2015) and 'pos' (for 2014).
    Take the 2015 value if it exists, otherwise the 2014 value

And then add the Bye Week for each player

  • Use the game schedule in 'nfl_season2015.csv' to add a column Bye to indicate the player's bye week
  • Read in 'data/nfl_top_100s.csv' and add a column indicating the player's rank in the 2015 list (it is the NFL one the players vote in. ESPN also has one.)

In [11]:
# Rename the player 'TOTAL' to the player 'Defense' because that's what it is.
stats.ix[stats.Player == 'TOTAL', 'Player'] = 'Defense'

# Read in 'data/nfl_rosters2015.csv' and merge it with stats
stats.columns = ['Team2014' if c == 'Team' else c for c in stats.columns]
rosters2015 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('data', 'nfl_rosters2015.csv'))
full_stats = stats.merge(rosters2015, on='Player', how='outer')

print('Total players with fantasy numbers:', full_stats.FantasyPtsTotal.count())
print('Total players on 2015 rosters with fantasy numbers:',
      ((full_stats.Team.notnull()) & (full_stats.FantasyPtsTotal.notnull())).sum())

# Reconcile 'Team' and 'Team2014' for the player 'Defense'
full_stats.ix[full_stats.Player == 'Defense', 'Team'
             ] = full_stats[full_stats.Player == 'Defense'].Team2014 

# Reconcile 'Pos' (for 2015) and 'pos' (for 2014). 
full_stats.ix[full_stats.Pos.isnull(), 'Pos'] = full_stats[full_stats.Pos.isnull()].pos
del full_stats['pos']

# Read in 'nfl_top_100s.csv' and add a column indicating the player's rank
# in the 2015 list that the NFL players vote on.
nfl100 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('data', 'nfl_top_100s.csv'))
nfl100 = nfl100[nfl100.year == 2015]
nfl100.columns = nfl100.columns.str.capitalize()
nfl100.columns = ['Top100Rank' if c == 'Rank' else c for c in nfl100.columns]
full_stats = full_stats.merge(
    nfl100[['Player', 'Team', 'Top100Rank']],
    on=['Player', 'Team'],

# Peek at the data
    ['Team', 'Pos', 'Player', 'FantasyPtsTotal', 'Top100Rank']

(2177, 47)
Total players with fantasy numbers: 196
Total players on 2015 rosters with fantasy numbers: 137
Team Pos Player FantasyPtsTotal Top100Rank
36 Green Bay ... QB Aaron Rodgers 165 2
180 New Englan... QB Tom Brady 124 3
144 Denver Bro... QB Peyton Man... 132 5
112 Indianapol... QB Andrew Luck 148 7
96 Pittsburgh... WR Antonio Brown 117 8

In [12]:
# Show teams by bye week
season2015 = pd.read_csv("data/nfl_season2015.csv")
all_teams = set(season2015.homeTeam.unique())
byes = dict(ByeWeek=[], Team=[])
for wk, dataset in season2015.groupby('week'):
    bye_teams = all_teams.difference(dataset.homeTeam).difference(dataset.awayTeam)
    byes['ByeWeek'].extend([wk] * len(bye_teams))
byes = pd.DataFrame(byes)

for wk, dat in byes.groupby('ByeWeek'):
    print('------------------ week {} '.format(wk))

------------------ week 4 
New England Patriots
Tennessee Titans
------------------ week 5 
Miami Dolphins
New York Jets
Carolina Panthers
Minnesota Vikings
------------------ week 6 
St. Louis Rams
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Dallas Cowboys
Oakland Raiders
------------------ week 7 
Chicago Bears
Denver Broncos
Green Bay Packers
Cincinnati Bengals
------------------ week 8 
Buffalo Bills
Philadelphia Eagles
Washington Redskins
Jacksonville Jaguars
------------------ week 9 
Baltimore Ravens
Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs
Seattle Seahawks
Arizona Cardinals
Houston Texans
------------------ week 10 
San Diego Chargers
San Francisco 49ers
Indianapolis Colts
Atlanta Falcons
------------------ week 11 
New Orleans Saints
Pittsburgh Steelers
New York Giants
Cleveland Browns

In [13]:
# Add the player's 2015 bye week
if 'ByeWeek' in full_stats:      # This part is in case someone runs the cell twice
    del full_stats['ByeWeek']
full_stats = full_stats.merge(byes, on='Team', how='left')
    ['Team', 'Pos', 'Player', 'ByeWeek', 'FantasyPtsTotal', 'Top100Rank']

Team Pos Player ByeWeek FantasyPtsTotal Top100Rank
36 Green Bay ... QB Aaron Rodgers 7 165 2
180 New Englan... QB Tom Brady 4 124 3
144 Denver Bro... QB Peyton Man... 7 132 5
112 Indianapol... QB Andrew Luck 10 148 7
96 Pittsburgh... WR Antonio Brown 11 117 8

Remove players we can't use

The player's 2015 position is 'Pos'. Delete players who can't be on the fantasy roster.

  1. Look at the positions listed
  2. Set the Team of the defense rows to be the same as in 2014

First, let's add a value 'DEFENSE' as the position when the player is named 'TOTAL'. Then we'll delete all of the players who aren't the kinds we can use.

In [14]:
# Show the unique positions

array(['DEFENSE', 'K', 'RB', 'WR', 'QB', 'TE', 'RB/WR', 'WR-KR', 'FB',
       'SP', 'ILB', 'HB', 'DE', 'CB', 'LB', 'DT', 'S', 'FS', 'LS', 'T',
       'G', 'OL', 'DB', 'P', 'C', 'SS', 'OT', 'OG', 'OLB', 'TE/FB', 'C/G',
       'NT', 'DL', 'WR/RB', 'T/G', 'RB/RS', 'G/T', 'SAF', 'MLB', 'FB/LB',
       'WR/KR', 'RB/FB', 'G/C', 'CB/RS', 'H-B', 'G / T', 'TE/LS', 'C-G',
       nan], dtype=object)

In [15]:
# Change anything that starts with an 'WR' to 'WR' and anything that starts with 'RB' to 'RB'
full_stats.ix[full_stats.Pos.notnull() & full_stats.Pos.str.startswith('WR'), 'Pos'] = 'WR'
full_stats.ix[full_stats.Pos.notnull() & full_stats.Pos.str.startswith('RB'), 'Pos'] = 'RB'

# And then keep only the players we will use
full_stats = full_stats[full_stats.Pos.isin(('QB', 'RB', 'WR', 'TE', 'K', 'DEFENSE'))]

# And drop people who aren't on a team in 2015
full_stats = full_stats[full_stats.Team.notnull()]


WR         249
TE         146
RB         140
QB          91
K           34
DEFENSE     32
dtype: int64

In [16]:
## Take a look at what we made:
#    the top 10 people in each position.
for position, points in full_stats.sort(columns='FantasyPtsTotal', ascending=False)[
        ['Player', 'Pos', 'Team', 'ByeWeek', 'Top100Rank', 'FantasyPtsTotal']].groupby('Pos'):
    print(" ".join(('#', '-' * 50, position, '-' * 3)))
    print("Points\tTeam\t\t\tBye   NFL100\tPlayer")
    for row in points.head(10).apply(
            lambda x: '{}\t{:<20}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format(
                '--' if np.isnan(x.Top100Rank) else int(x.Top100Rank),

# -------------------------------------------------- DEFENSE ---
Points	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
282	Philadelphia Eagles 	8	--	Defense
231	Arizona Cardinals   	9	--	Defense
231	Indianapolis Colts  	10	--	Defense
230	Baltimore Ravens    	9	--	Defense
229	Green Bay Packers   	7	--	Defense
226	St. Louis Rams      	6	--	Defense
221	Carolina Panthers   	5	--	Defense
217	Cleveland Browns    	11	--	Defense
215	Detroit Lions       	9	--	Defense
214	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	--	Defense
# -------------------------------------------------- K ---
Points	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
146	Indianapolis Colts  	10	98	Adam Vinatieri
137	Green Bay Packers   	7	--	Mason Crosby
136	Baltimore Ravens    	9	--	Justin Tucker
132	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	--	Shaun Suisham
127	Atlanta Falcons     	10	--	Matt Bryant
126	Carolina Panthers   	5	--	Graham Gano
119	New York Jets       	5	--	Nick Folk
118	Cincinnati Bengals  	7	--	Mike Nugent
116	New York Giants     	11	--	Josh Brown
108	San Francisco 49ers 	10	--	Phil Dawson
# -------------------------------------------------- QB ---
Points	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
165	Green Bay Packers   	7	2	Aaron Rodgers
148	Indianapolis Colts  	10	7	Andrew Luck
132	Denver Broncos      	7	5	Peyton Manning
124	New England Patriots	4	3	Tom Brady
120	Seattle Seahawks    	9	22	Russell Wilson
118	Dallas Cowboys      	6	34	Tony Romo
115	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	26	Ben Roethlisberger
113	Miami Dolphins      	5	--	Ryan Tannehill
109	New Orleans Saints  	11	30	Drew Brees
108	Cincinnati Bengals  	7	--	Andy Dalton
# -------------------------------------------------- RB ---
Points	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
111	Seattle Seahawks    	9	9	Marshawn Lynch
90	Green Bay Packers   	7	60	Eddie Lacy
82	Kansas City Chiefs  	9	12	Jamaal Charles
77	Philadelphia Eagles 	8	--	DeMarco Murray
76	Chicago Bears       	7	48	Matt Forte
66	Minnesota Vikings   	5	--	Matt Asiata
62	Miami Dolphins      	5	--	Lamar Miller
59	Baltimore Ravens    	9	65	Justin Forsett
58	Cleveland Browns    	11	--	Isaiah Crowell
54	Kansas City Chiefs  	9	--	Knile Davis
# -------------------------------------------------- TE ---
Points	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
67	Seattle Seahawks    	9	--	Jimmy Graham
46	Chicago Bears       	7	--	Martellus Bennett
44	Carolina Panthers   	5	89	Greg Olsen
33	Dallas Cowboys      	6	93	Jason Witten
31	New York Giants     	11	--	Larry Donnell
26	Kansas City Chiefs  	9	--	Travis Kelce
22	Seattle Seahawks    	9	--	Luke Willson
18	Philadelphia Eagles 	8	--	Zach Ertz
17	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	--	Heath Miller
16	Minnesota Vikings   	5	--	Rhett Ellison
# -------------------------------------------------- WR ---
Points	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
117	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	8	Antonio Brown
96	Dallas Cowboys      	6	15	Dez Bryant
87	Green Bay Packers   	7	18	Jordy Nelson
84	Green Bay Packers   	7	100	Randall Cobb
77	Denver Broncos      	7	20	Demaryius Thomas
73	San Francisco 49ers 	10	--	Torrey Smith
66	Minnesota Vikings   	5	--	Mike Wallace
64	Denver Broncos      	7	95	Emmanuel Sanders
62	Carolina Panthers   	5	--	Kelvin Benjamin
52	Chicago Bears       	7	--	Eddie Royal

Picking strategy

The obvious advice is don't pick a backup player that's got the same bye week as your primary one.

Next, picking order could be

  • by straight points (the highest rated player in one of your open slots)
  • or by point differential (the biggest drop between this player The dataset we have now is the total Fantasy points (according to the standard rules) that the player earned in the regular 2014 season.

In [17]:
# Add the difference in total points between each player and one below,
# and each player and 10 below (worst case draft pick)
full_stats = full_stats[full_stats.Team.notnull()]
full_stats = full_stats.sort(['Pos', 'FantasyPtsTotal'])  # Don't forget to sort
full_stats['FantasyPtsDelta'] = full_stats.groupby('Pos').FantasyPtsTotal.diff(1)
full_stats['FantasyPtsDelta10'] = full_stats.groupby('Pos').FantasyPtsTotal.diff(10)
full_stats['FantasyPtsBelowBest'] = full_stats.groupby('Pos').FantasyPtsTotal.apply(
        lambda x: max(x) - x)

full_stats = full_stats.sort(['Pos', 'FantasyPtsTotal'], ascending=['True', 'False'])
full_stats.to_csv(os.path.join('excel_files', 'fantasy_points.xls'), index=False)

Some insight from the differences

The script below prints out the top 15 players in each slot.

  • Last year's point totals are in the column 'Points'.
  • '(d1)' shows the the difference in points between the player and the next best player.
  • '(d10)' shows the worst case points difference if you wait until the next round and everybody chooses that position.


  • The highest points for a single slot last year is the Philadelphia Eagles' defense, at 282 fantasy points total for the season.
    • If they perform like last year, everyone else will be down 51 points for the season -- which averages out to just about a field goal per game (the typical point differential for a win).
    • The rest of the top 10 defenses were within 21 points of each other, then the dropoff gets a little steeper, so probably don't let anyone pick two defensive teams before you've gotten your first.
  • If you don't get the Seahawks' Jimmy Graham as Tight End it almost doesn't matter who you get.
    • He's got 21 points over the next two players (Martellus Bennett (Bears) and Greg Olson (Panthers)).
    • ...and after Bennett and Olson, the point differential between tight ends was almost nonexistent.
  • Quarterbacks and kickers have almost equal points, but Quarterback quality falls off faster
    • Adam Vinatieri (Colts), Mason Crosby (Packers), and Justin Tucker (Ravens) were worth more than any Quarterback except for Aaron Rodgers and Andrew Luck last year.
    • Look at the second set of plots below, it shows

In [18]:
for position, points in full_stats.sort(columns='FantasyPtsTotal', ascending=False)[
        ['Player', 'Pos', 'Team', 'ByeWeek',
         'FantasyPtsTotal', 'FantasyPtsDelta', 'FantasyPtsDelta10']].groupby('Pos'):
    print(" ".join(('#', '-' * 70, position, '-' * 3)))
    print("Points\t(d1)\t(d10)\tTeam\t\t\tBye   NFL100\tPlayer")
    nrows = min(15, points.shape[0])
    for row in points.head(nrows).apply(
            lambda x: '{}\t{}\t{}\t{:<20}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format(
                '--' if np.isnan(x.FantasyPtsTotal) else int(x.FantasyPtsTotal),
                '--' if np.isnan(x.FantasyPtsDelta) else int(x.FantasyPtsDelta),
                '--' if np.isnan(x.FantasyPtsDelta10) else int(x.FantasyPtsDelta10),
                '--' if np.isnan(x.Top100Rank) else int(x.Top100Rank),

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFENSE ---
Points	(d1)	(d10)	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
282	51	71	Philadelphia Eagles 	8	--	Defense
231	0	21	Indianapolis Colts  	10	--	Defense
231	1	28	Arizona Cardinals   	9	--	Defense
230	1	28	Baltimore Ravens    	9	--	Defense
229	3	29	Green Bay Packers   	7	--	Defense
226	5	34	St. Louis Rams      	6	--	Defense
221	4	29	Carolina Panthers   	5	--	Defense
217	2	30	Cleveland Browns    	11	--	Defense
215	1	28	Detroit Lions       	9	--	Defense
214	3	30	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	--	Defense
211	1	35	Miami Dolphins      	5	--	Defense
210	7	39	San Francisco 49ers 	10	--	Defense
203	1	33	Denver Broncos      	7	--	Defense
202	2	51	Kansas City Chiefs  	9	--	Defense
200	8	49	Minnesota Vikings   	5	--	Defense
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- K ---
Points	(d1)	(d10)	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
146	9	39	Indianapolis Colts  	10	98	Adam Vinatieri
137	1	31	Green Bay Packers   	7	--	Mason Crosby
136	4	33	Baltimore Ravens    	9	--	Justin Tucker
132	5	47	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	--	Shaun Suisham
127	1	44	Atlanta Falcons     	10	--	Matt Bryant
126	7	60	Carolina Panthers   	5	--	Graham Gano
119	1	57	New York Jets       	5	--	Nick Folk
118	2	63	Cincinnati Bengals  	7	--	Mike Nugent
116	8	61	New York Giants     	11	--	Josh Brown
108	1	54	San Francisco 49ers 	10	--	Phil Dawson
107	1	57	Minnesota Vikings   	5	--	Blair Walsh
106	3	65	St. Louis Rams      	6	--	Greg Zuerlein
103	18	63	Washington Redskins 	8	--	Kai Forbath
85	2	58	Oakland Raiders     	6	--	Sebastian Janikowski
83	17	60	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	--	Josh Scobee
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QB ---
Points	(d1)	(d10)	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
165	17	58	Green Bay Packers   	7	2	Aaron Rodgers
148	16	42	Indianapolis Colts  	10	7	Andrew Luck
132	8	31	Denver Broncos      	7	5	Peyton Manning
124	4	27	New England Patriots	4	3	Tom Brady
120	2	23	Seattle Seahawks    	9	22	Russell Wilson
118	3	38	Dallas Cowboys      	6	34	Tony Romo
115	2	37	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	26	Ben Roethlisberger
113	4	36	Miami Dolphins      	5	--	Ryan Tannehill
109	1	35	New Orleans Saints  	11	30	Drew Brees
108	1	38	Cincinnati Bengals  	7	--	Andy Dalton
107	1	48	Baltimore Ravens    	9	97	Joe Flacco
106	5	59	Atlanta Falcons     	10	77	Matt Ryan
101	4	62	New York Giants     	11	--	Eli Manning
97	0	61	San Diego Chargers  	10	43	Philip Rivers
97	17	63	Chicago Bears       	7	--	Jay Cutler
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RB ---
Points	(d1)	(d10)	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
111	21	68	Seattle Seahawks    	9	9	Marshawn Lynch
90	8	52	Green Bay Packers   	7	60	Eddie Lacy
82	5	49	Kansas City Chiefs  	9	12	Jamaal Charles
77	1	46	Philadelphia Eagles 	8	--	DeMarco Murray
76	10	48	Chicago Bears       	7	48	Matt Forte
66	4	40	Minnesota Vikings   	5	--	Matt Asiata
62	3	40	Miami Dolphins      	5	--	Lamar Miller
59	1	39	Baltimore Ravens    	9	65	Justin Forsett
58	4	38	Cleveland Browns    	11	--	Isaiah Crowell
54	11	35	Kansas City Chiefs  	9	--	Knile Davis
43	5	26	Arizona Cardinals   	9	--	Stepfan Taylor
38	5	28	Buffalo Bills       	8	--	LeSean McCoy
33	2	24	Indianapolis Colts  	10	--	Frank Gore
31	3	24	Arizona Cardinals   	9	--	Andre Ellington
28	2	30	St. Louis Rams      	6	--	Benny Cunningham
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TE ---
Points	(d1)	(d10)	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
67	21	53	Seattle Seahawks    	9	--	Jimmy Graham
46	2	33	Chicago Bears       	7	--	Martellus Bennett
44	11	33	Carolina Panthers   	5	89	Greg Olsen
33	2	--	Dallas Cowboys      	6	93	Jason Witten
31	5	--	New York Giants     	11	--	Larry Donnell
26	4	--	Kansas City Chiefs  	9	--	Travis Kelce
22	4	--	Seattle Seahawks    	9	--	Luke Willson
18	1	--	Philadelphia Eagles 	8	--	Zach Ertz
17	1	--	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	--	Heath Miller
16	2	--	Minnesota Vikings   	5	--	Rhett Ellison
14	1	--	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	--	Matt Spaeth
13	2	--	St. Louis Rams      	6	--	Cory Harkey
11	--	--	Tampa Bay Buccaneers	6	--	Austin Seferian-Jenkins
--	--	--	New York Giants     	11	--	Jerome Cunningham
--	--	--	New York Giants     	11	--	Daniel Fells
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WR ---
Points	(d1)	(d10)	Team			Bye   NFL100	Player
117	21	68	Pittsburgh Steelers 	11	8	Antonio Brown
96	9	47	Dallas Cowboys      	6	15	Dez Bryant
87	3	40	Green Bay Packers   	7	18	Jordy Nelson
84	7	43	Green Bay Packers   	7	100	Randall Cobb
77	4	36	Denver Broncos      	7	20	Demaryius Thomas
73	7	35	San Francisco 49ers 	10	--	Torrey Smith
66	2	30	Minnesota Vikings   	5	--	Mike Wallace
64	2	29	Denver Broncos      	7	95	Emmanuel Sanders
62	10	31	Carolina Panthers   	5	--	Kelvin Benjamin
52	3	27	Chicago Bears       	7	--	Eddie Royal
49	0	26	Dallas Cowboys      	6	--	Terrance Williams
49	2	27	New York Jets       	5	--	Brandon Marshall
47	6	25	Indianapolis Colts  	10	35	T.Y. Hilton
41	0	21	Atlanta Falcons     	10	--	Roddy White
41	3	21	Cincinnati Bengals  	7	--	Mohamed Sanu

In [19]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, sharex=True)

positions = ('DEFENSE', 'WR', 'QB', 'RB', 'K', 'TE')
for (ax, position) in zip(axs.flatten(), positions):
    p = full_stats[full_stats.Pos == position]
    p = p[p.FantasyPtsTotal.notnull()].sort('FantasyPtsTotal', ascending=False).head(15)
    p = p.sort('FantasyPtsTotal')
    pos = [0.5 + r for r in range(p.shape[0])]
    ax.barh(pos, p.FantasyPtsTotal, align='center')
    if position == 'DEFENSE':
        ax.set_yticklabels(list(p.Team), size='x-small')
        ax.set_yticklabels(list(p.Player), size='x-small')
    for s in ('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'):
    if ax.is_last_row():
        ax.set_xlabel('Fantasy Points, 2014')

In [20]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, sharex=True)

for (ax, position) in zip(axs.flatten(), positions):
    p = full_stats[full_stats.Pos == position]
    p = p[p.FantasyPtsBelowBest.notnull()].sort('FantasyPtsTotal', ascending=False).head(20)
    p = p.sort('FantasyPtsTotal')
    pos = [0.5 + r for r in range(p.shape[0])]
    ax.barh(pos, p.FantasyPtsBelowBest, align='center')
    if position == 'DEFENSE':
        ax.set_yticklabels(list(p.Team), size='x-small')
        ax.set_yticklabels(list(p.Player), size='x-small')
    for s in ('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'):
    if ax.is_last_row():
        ax.set_xlabel('Fantasy Points below Top Player, 2014')